Forward Head Posture FIX : Critical Bench

Forward Head Posture FIX : Critical Bench


Product Description»

Forward Head Posture FIX : Critical Bench

Goal: Get rid of ugly forward head posture while looking younger and taller

Description: The #1 Muscle That FIXES Ugly Forward Head Posture, Trouble Sleeping, Text Neck & Back Pain...All While Diminishing Headaches, Brain Fog & Looking Old
REVEALED! How 10 simple exercises will instantly restore balance to your posture making you physically stronger, mentally sharper and achieve peak performance.

A Mini-Workout for Forward Head Posture

  1. Start by sitting up straight on a chair.
  2. Tuck your chin slightly toward your chest.
  3. Holding the tuck and press the back of your head toward the wall behind you. ...
  4. Hold the stretch for a few seconds, relax, and repeat.

REVEALED! How 10 simple exercises will instantly restore balance to your posture making you physically stronger, mentally sharper and achieve peak performance.

FORWARD HEAD POSTURE FIX DVD VIDEO Nailing perfect form is essential to working the sternocleidomastoid properly. That’s why we’ve filmed Rick demonstrating each of the 10 exercises of the “sequential flow”. In each video, Rick takes you carefully through each exercise with a thorough explanation on how to target the right muscle the first time.

FORWARD HEAD POSTURE FIX MANUAL The video sequences are powerful, but it’s the supplementary manual that goes deeper into the underlying causes behind forward head posture, why leaving it untreated can cause long-lasting damage to your health and how you can instantly slam the brakes on the damage you’re doing to your spine and neck.  In just 15 minutes a day, you’ll experience incredible results that will make an immediate difference to your health and how you look in the mirror.  Discovering the techniques and sequential flow outlined in detail in the manual, you can start the process of bringing your body back into alignment, good health and strength with detailed descriptions of the exact exercise movements with pictures.

Use the program when you wake up in the morning or do it last thing at night before hitting the sack. Use it at work or before or after your workout routine. It is made to be versatile enough to fit into your daily routine.  Now you know how simple and effective the program is, I’d like to make you an offer if you invest in the Forward Head Posture FIX today…

Forward Head Posture FIX : Critical Bench

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